
IT Industry in China is still hot, OLED is center on that

News about when, where, what size of new investments emerge from Samsung display who leads Recent Small and Medium-sized OLED Market and LG display who leads large OLED market should come true are continuously main news in Display industry. In the middle, Maybe, publics who are invovled in industry, are interested in watching when will China’s panel companies who are processing on construction of flexible OLED line supported by government between Korea narrows the technology gaps.

The Hi-Tech Fair, which celebrates its 19th anniversary this year, is a representative event showing how much China is interested in the IT industry.
Hi-Tech Fair held in Shenzhen, China from November 16th to 19th exhibits almost all fields relevant to IT industry. Communication with Display is a key point to increase importance of IT industry and these two field is developing by complex connecting with another field.

Exhibition include total 9 hall and the newest technology such as Smart cities, robots, aviation, telecommunications, home appliances, games, and other technologies that connect with IT can be seen in that area. Among them,  one that stick out in 1 Hall is Visionox which is large panel company in China, many people are gather together to watch China’s Display Panel technology.

Current smart phone display’s trends are a bezel-less design that maximizes the screen by minimizing the bezel and a curved design represented by the Galaxy Edge series. In this exhibition, Visionox showed a the bezel-less design smartphone which applied rigid OLED and a curved design smartphone which applied flexible OLED having 8R bending radius.

According to officials, disclosed curved display is going to apply to smartphone which will launched in market earlier in 2018. So, this process is currently making decision about supplying with china’s smartphone company. In addition, a variety of flexible displays being developed for future foldable and rollable applications have been on display.

On the other side in Hall, Royole, who manufactures and sells VR devices for China’s leading OLED applications, exhibited flexible sensors with VR device “Noon” Also, they did not exhibit their technology, they disclose a very thin flexible display of 0.01mm through wathcing a video and keep delivering message about continous Display technology development. Also, we can see the various forms and functions of display panel is applied to electrical instruments such as car, robot in many booths. Among them, OLED is expected to continue to grow in significance of IT industry in the future due to its wide range of applications and its technical strengths such as design excellence, thin panel and high resolution.

여전히 뜨거운 중국의 IT 산업, 그 중심에 있는 OLED

최근 중소형 OLED 시장을 주도하는 삼성디스플레이와 대형 OLED 시장을 이끌어가고 있는 LG 디스플레이의 신규 투자가 언제, 어디서, 어떤 규모로 이루어 질 것인지에 대한 소식이 지속적으로 디스플레이 산업의 주요 뉴스로 오르내리고 있다. 와중에 정부의 지원을 받아 집중적인 플렉서블 OLED 라인 건설을 진행하고 있는 중국의 패널 업체들이 언제쯤 현재 한국과의 기술격차를 좁힐 것인가는 아마 산업에 있는 모든 사람들의 관심사일 것이다.

올해 19회를 맞이하는 Hi-Tech Fair는 중국이 IT 산업에 얼마나 관심이 많은지를 보여주는 대표적인 행사이다. 11월 16일부터 19일까지 중국 심천에서 개최되는 Hi-Tech Fair에는 IT산업과 관련이 있는 거의 모든 분야의 전시가 진행된다. IT산업에서 점점 더 그 중요성을 높여가고 있는 것이 디스플레이와 통신이며, 이 두 분야는 다른 분야와 복합적으로 연결되어 발전하고 있다.

전시관은 총 9홀까지 있으며 스마트 시티, 로봇, 항공, 통신, 가전, 게임 등 IT와 연결지어 생각할 수 있는 다양한 산업들의 최신기술들을 엿볼 수 있다. 그 중 1홀에서 가장 눈에 띄는 것은 중국의 한 대형 패널 업체인 Visionox로 많은 사람들의 중국의 디스플레이 패널 기술을 보기 위해 모여 있었다.



현재 스마트폰 디스플레이의 트렌드는 갤럭시 엣지 시리즈로 대표되는 커브드(curved)디자인과 베젤을 최소한으로 하여 최대한의 화면을 구현하는 bezel-less 디자인이다. Visionox는 이번 전시에서 플렉서블 패널을 적용한 8R의 커브드 디자인과 Rigid 패널을 적용하여 bezel-less 디자인 스마트폰을 모두 제작하여 공개하였다.

관계자에 따르면 공개된 커브드 디스플레이는 2018년 초 시장에 론칭되는 스마트폰에 적용될 계획으로 중국 스마트폰 업체와 공급 협의가 진행중이다. 이 외에도 향후 폴더블과 롤러블 어플리케이션을 위해 개발중인 다양한 형태의 플렉서블 디스플레이가 전시되었다.

다른 한쪽에선 중국의 대표적인 OLED 적용 VR 기기를 제작, 판매하는 Royole이 VR 기기 “Noon” 과 함께 플렉서블 센서 등을 전시했다. 또한, 직접 전시하진 않았지만 동영상을 통해 0.01mm의 아주 얇은 플렉서블 디스플레이 시연을 공개하며 지속적인 디스플레이 기술 개발에 대한 메시지메 전달하고 있다.

이 외에도 많은 부스에서 자동차와 로봇을 비롯하여 각종 전자 기기에 디스플레이 패널이 다양한 형태와 기능을 가지고 적용되고 있는 것을 확인 할 수 있다. 그 중에서도 OLED 는 디자인의 우수성, 얇은 패널, 고해상도 등의 기술적 강점으로 적용범위가 무수히 넓어 향후 IT 산업에서 중요성은 계속 커져갈 것으로 보여진다.

From bezel-less to full-screen, Full-screen smartphone’s era has come closer.

The area of display for a smartphone is getting wider.

The display area (hereinafter as D.A.) indicates the display size versus a set size. At the IMID 2016 business forum, the chief of Samsung Display, Park, Won-sang said that “The D.A. may be a core element to overcome the limit of its size through the portability of a smartphone.” and, “henceforth, the full-screen smartphone with more than 90% of D.A. will be released and take the lead the market.

<Samsung Display’s New Product>

The D.A. of an existing smartphone has been about 60-70%.

However, Samsung Electronics has enlarged D.A. over 75% by launching of Galaxy S7 Edge and Note 7 applied flexible AMOLED in 2016. Several companies in China have similarly started the enlargement of the D.A. through Nubia Z11 with 75.2% by ZTE and Mi Mix with 83.6% by Xiaomi.

As LG Electronics has applied full vision 5.7 inch QHD+ display by 18:9 at their G6, its D.A. reached to 80.4%. It was increased 0.4 inch compared to the former G5’s display size, but the bezel was decreased by 1mm from each side to side. It brings the enlargement about 10% of D.A. as a result.

Additionally, Galaxy S8 and iPhone S8(tentative name) planned to launch in 2017 will be more than 91% of D.A. according to reducing the bezel through up and down as well as side to side, since the models will not have a plan for the home button.

According to this, the smartphone market for full-screen maximized D.A. may lead a market trend for high-end smartphone, and the flexible AMOLED may be expected to take the market of full-screen smartphone forward.

Flexible AMOLED takes the high-flexibility through the plastic panel, it makes easy to realize the full-screen by arranging efficiently diverse modules to a smartphone.

By the “Key issue and Market Analysis for Foldable OLED” report published by Ubi Research in October, it looks forward that a smartphone with full-screen AMOLED type (a type which is minimized bezel area for up and down as well as side to side) will exceed the market share of OLED panel for bezel-less type as about 60% in 2020 from about 17% in 2017.

<A smartphone market share by display type, Source: Ubi Research>

Bezel-less 에서 Full-screen으로, Full-screen 스마트폰 시대 도래

스마트폰에서 display 영역이 점차 넓어지고 있다.

Display area(이하 D.A)는 set size 대비 display size를 의미한다. 지난 IMID 2016 비즈니스 포럼에서 삼성 디스플레이의 박원상 수석은 “D.A는 스마트폰의 휴대성에 따른 size 한계를 극복할 수 있는 핵심 요소가 될 것” 이라며, “앞으로는 90%이상의 D.A를 가진 full screen smartphone이 출시될 것이며 시장을 주도할 것”이라고 말했다.

<Mobile Display Trend-Screen Size, Source: Samsung Display, IMID2016 Business Forum>

기존 스마트폰의 D.A는 약 60~70% 수준이었다.

하지만 2016년들어 삼성전자는 flexible AMOLED를 적용한 Galaxy S7 Edge와 Note 7를 출시하며 D.A를 75% 이상으로 늘렸으며, 중국의 ZTE는 75.2% D.A를 가지는 Nubia Z11를, Xiaomi는 83.6% D.A를 가지는 Mi Mix를 출시하며 D.A 영역을 늘리기 시작하였다.

2017년에는 LG전자가 LG G6에 18:9 비율의 full vision 5.7 inch QHD+ display를 적용함으로써, LG G6의 D.A가 80.4%에 도달하였다. 전작인 G5 대비 display 크기는 0.4 inch 증가하였지만, bezel은 좌우 1mm씩 줄었다. D.A로는 약 10% 커진 셈이다.

또한 2017년 출시 예정인 Galaxy S8과 iPhone S8(가칭)에는 홈버튼을 없애며 좌우 bezel 뿐만 아니라 상하 bezel도 크게 감소시킬 수 있어 91% 이상의 D.A가 될 것으로 예상된다.

이렇듯 D.A를 최대화 시킨 full-screen 스마트폰 시장이 high-end 스마트폰 시장의 트랜드로 자리잡힐 것으로 예상되고 있으며, flexible AMOLED가 full screen smartphone 시장을 이끌어 갈 것으로 전망된다.

Flexible AMOLED는 plastic 기판을 사용하여 높은 유연성을 가지며, 이를 통해 여러 모듈들을 효율적으로 smart phone 안에 배치할 수 있어 full screen을 구현하기 적합하다.

유비산업리서치에서 지난 10월에 발간한 “Key issue and Market Analysis for Foldable OLED”보고서에 따르면, full-screen AMOLED type(좌우 bezel 뿐만 아니라 상하 bezel도 줄인 형태)의 스마트폰이 2017년 약 17%의 점유율에서 2020년에는 약 60%로 bezel-less type의 OLED panel 점유율을 넘어설 것으로 내다봤다.

<Display type 별 스마트폰 시장 점유율, Source: 유비산업리서치>


Who Will Get The First Full-Screen Display Smartphone Title, Samsung Or Apple?

Full-screen display smartphone is expected to be launched soon. According to the recent report ‘Key Issue and The Market Analysis for Foldable OLED – Flexible OLED Annual Report’ by UBI RESEARCH, a market survey company, left-right bezel-less flexible OLED dominate the smartphone market, and later full-screen display with minimized or without both left-right and up-down bezel will appear in 2017, thereby leading the future market.


<Smartphone Display Development Trend Outlook>(Source: UBI RESEARCH)

The more specific circumstances were caught. Apple Insider announced that Apple recently applied for a design patent(US20150303244A1) of electronic devices with display-integrated light sensors, quoting the USPTO’s announcement on October 11(Local Time).


<Design Drawing 1 of Apple’s Patent-Pending Electronic Devices with Display-Integrated Light Sensors>

Apple used the examples of the placement of Ambient Light Sensor or Proximity Sensor around the side of display, and of the protection of display and sensor circuit by glass or plastic transparent encapsulation layer. Apple Insider expects that this design will be able to reduce unnecessary space and make full-screen display possible.


<Design Drawing 2 of Apple’s Patent-Pending Electronic Devices with Display-Integrated Light Sensors>

At the 2016 IMID Business Forum at COEX in Samseong-dong on October 26, Samsung Display chief expert, Park Won-sang announced display trend about screen size, which boosted confidence. Chief expert, Park Won-sang said that “Display size compared to set size is very important due to the characteristic of mobile phones with a size limit. The display area(hereinafter “D.A”) of edge display was 80%, full-screen mobile phone D.A was larger than 90%, and this is one of the major trends that will lead the market”. The techniques including an all-in-one glass fingerprint recognition module and an ultrasonic fingerprint recognition module have not been mentioned yet, but an entirely innovative full-screen smartphone will be introduced by removing left-right bezel as well going beyond the left-right bezel-less type of Note 7.


<Samsung Display’s Presentation, 2016 IMID Business Forum>

LG also applied a patent of full-screen display. According to Patently Mobile’s report on June 2015, not physical but virtual button and App icon were applied. But, design itself cannot exactly show materials and interior parts except appearance, and it is now uncertain whether it will be developed or not as there is no further news after the patent application.




<LG Electronics Granted Home-Buttonless Smartphone using Flexible Display>>(Source : Patently Apple)

Likewise, many smartphone companies are actively reviewing the introduction of full-screen display because it might allow customers to experience the biggest change in addition to the product’s immersive nature. Besides, there are recently some opinions that with the expanding VR market, OLED display without a latency issue and wider display area are necessary to be applied to HMD(Head Mounted Display) attached with a mobile phone.
Meanwhile, ‘Key issue and Market Analysis for Foldable OLED’ Report by UBI RESEARCH forecasted that full screen AMOLED panel will be firstly launched in 2017, accounting for 60% of the total flexible AMOLED panel market and going beyond the bezel-less type of flexible AMOLED panel market.

Meanwhile, ‘Key issue and Market Analysis for Foldable OLED’ Report by UBI RESEARCH forecasted that full screen AMOLED panel will be firstly launched in 2017, accounting for 60% of the total flexible AMOLED panel market and going beyond the bezel-less type of flexible AMOLED panel market.


<Definition by Flexible OLED Type and Market Share Outlook >(Source: UBI RESEARCH)

Samsung Display, the market will move to Full Screen next to Edge

At 2016 IMID Business Forum having been held in Samsung-dong KOEX on October 26th, Senior Park Won-sang of Samsung Display expected that full screen market would lead next to Smart phone of edge designs.

Senior Park analyzes that mobile market will be core market of Display industry by saying “Super high-speed growth of Mobile market is being continues, and mobile market is expected to exceed TV market after 2016, following IT and TV.”

Specially, Senior Park Won-sang states that DA (Display size vs. set size, Display size/set size value) becomes important because Smartphone is portable and has limitations in sizes, and full screen Smartphone having DA of over 90% will lead the market after being released.

In addition, he emphasizes low electricity, sensor embedded, high solution, eye friendly etc. as core technology of mobile display, and stresses that AMOLED belongs to the display for most suitable mobile appliances.

On the other hand, the report “Key issue and Market Analysis for Foldable OLED’ having been published in August by UBi RESEARCH predicts that full screen AMOLED panel will be released first in 2017, and it overpasses flexible AMOLED panel market of Bezel Less type while occupying 60% of total flexible AMOLED panel market in 2020.


<Samsung Display announcement date, 2016 IMID Business Forum>


<Definition and Market share prospect by flexible OLED type (Source: UBi RESEARCH)>

Next to Bezel-less is full-screen, Prospect of 60% market share of full-screen OLED panel in 2020.

Smartphone displays have been diversifying as the hard wares and soft wares in smartphone have been improving. Samsung edge series have successfully entered the flexible OLED smartphone market and other smartphone companies now are manufacturing flexible OLED based products. Furthermore we are expecting a big change in the display market as Apple may release its new iPhone models with OLED in 2017.

According to a recent study “Key Issue and The Market Analysis for Foldable OLED” from UBI research, it is expected that bezel-less type of flexible OLED, which is an upgraded model of dual edge display, will lead the market until 2017 and then there will be new smartphones with various forms of displays as new types of flexible OLED like full-screen, foldable, rollable displays will be launched after.

Also, they expected that full screen displays will be invented by reducing the size of the top and bottom bezels as well as sides bezels and they will be leading the market afterwards.

Moreover, according to the report, they analyzed that the full-screen OLED panels will be at around 17% market share of total flexible AMOLED panel market in 2017 and it will reach around 60% while it will surpass the market share of bezel-less typed panels.


Definition of each Flexible OLED type and the prospect of a market share (UBI Industrial Research)

Researchers also expected that there will be a strong chance that they will release new smartphones with foldable display in 2017 to see how the market reacts and they will get seriously start to manufacture mass production from 2019, taking consumers needs into consideration and anticipating the direction of technology and pace of change. In addition, the size of foldable smartphone’s market is expected to take up to 2% market share by 2020 as around 1.5 million foldable smartphones will be expected to be manufactured.


History of each Smartphone display types. (UBI Industrial Research)


Bezel-less 다음은 full-screen, full-screen OLED panel 2020년 60% 시장 점유 전망

스마트폰의 성능, 디자인 등이 진화함에 따라 스마트폰용 디스플레이의 형태도 다양화되고 있다. 삼성전자의 edge 시리즈가 flexible OLED 스마트폰 시장에 성공적으로 진입하였고, 다른 업체들도 flexible OLED 기반의 제품을 적용하고 있다. 특히 2017년에는 애플의 아이폰에 OLED가 탑재될 것으로 예상되어 디스플레이 시장에 큰 변화를 가져올 것으로 기대하고 있다.

시장조사업체 유비산업리서치가 최근 발간한 ‘Key issue and Market Analysis for Foldable OLED’에 따르면 2017년까지는 dual edge 타입에서 변형된 bezel-less 타입의 flexible OLED가 스마트폰 시장을 주도하고, full-screen, foldable, rollable 등 새로운 타입의 flexible OLED가 등장하여 다양한 형태의 디스플레이가 탑재된 스마트폰이 등장할 것으로 전망했다.

특히 좌, 우 뿐만 아니라 상, 하 bezel도 최소화 하거나 제거하여 전면 전체를 display화 한 형태의 full screen display가 2017년부터 등장하여 이후의 시장을 주도할 것으로 내다봤다.

보고서에서는 full-screen OLED panel이 전체 flexible AMOLED panel 시장 중  2017년 약 17%의 점유율에서 2020년에는 약 60%로 bezel-less type의 OLED panel 점유율을 넘어설 것으로 분석했다.


Flexible OLED type별 정의와 시장 점유율 전망 (출처: 유비산업리서치)

Flexible OLED 스마트폰 중 가장 큰 이슈인 foldable 스마트폰에 대해서는 시장의 반응을 살펴보기 위해 2017년에 첫 선을 보일 가능성이 높을 것으로 전망했으며, 소비자들의 니즈와 기술개발 동향을 분석해 봤을 때 2019년부터 본격적인 양산이 시작이 가능할 것으로 전망했다. 또한 Foldable 스마트폰 시장 규모는 2020년에 약 1,500만대가 출하되어 전체 flexible OLED panel 시장의 2%의 점유율을 이룰 것으로 예상했다.


스마트폰 디스플레이의 type별 히스토리 (출처: 유비산업리서치)