
LGD to Build 5G OLED Light Panel Plant…15,000 sheet monthly

Hyun Joo Kang, Reporter, OLEDNET

LGD is Showcasing it`s OLED Light products at Light+Building 2016(Source :LG Display)

LG Display announced today that it will invest in a new OLED light panel manufacturing facility.

The planned facility will be the first 5th generation (1000 x 1200mm) OLED light panel manufacturing plant in the world. It is to be located in the South Korean city of Gumi, where it will produce a range of OLED light panels. The initial input capacity at the plant will be 15,000 glass substrates per month.

The monthly input capacity could be gradually ramped up depending on the market situation. LG Display expects the increased production with the new facility to give the company economies-of-scale.

This will help the company obtain significant price competitiveness. In addition, the accumulated OLED display technical know-how will allow LG Display to considerably enhance OLED light product quality.

The 5th generation facility will give the company panel size flexibility. With the larger glass substrate, LG Display will be able to produce a wide range of different size light panels, including giant ones. Further, this ability to make giant panels will better enable the company to penetrate the general lighting market.

The investment decision follows the acquisition by LG Display of the OLED light business of its sister company, LG Chem in December, 2015. The plan for the new facility is in keeping with LG Display’s vision of bringing the exciting new OLED technology to customers around the world in the broadest array of applications.

The company will firstly focus on task lighting and decorative lighting in high-end retail stores and in luxury hospitality; and expand to the general lighting market going forward.

Also, the company will focus on automotive and convergence applications such as OLED light panels merged with furniture, architectural materials, electronic devices and more.

Mr. Young Kwon Song, Senior Vice President and Head of Strategy & Marketing Group at LG Display, said, “Our OLED light business will further strengthen LG Display’s commitment to nurture OLED as the future growth engine. Based on LG Display’s strong track-record and know-how in OLED display business, we will create synergy with the OLED light business and maintain our strong position in the overall OLED industry going forward.”

LG’s OLED light experience began in 2000 with R&D into OLED materials at the Group’s chemicals affiliate, LG Chem, with production of OLED light panels beginning in 2012.

The acquisition last year of the OLED light panel manufacturing business by LG Display has been creating synergies with its production infrastructure and technology in OLED displays.

It allows the company to save costs through integrated purchasing and shared investments, increase productivity by drawing on the accumulated knowledge of the display business, and help improve production infrastructure and use of technology patents.

OLED light is made up of layers of organic materials which is self-illuminating and consumes less power and also emits lower heat than conventional lighting.

It is environmentally friendly and is closest to natural light. Due to its ability to be thin and flexible, it is suitable for different applications and venues and could create new markets for lighting.

According to UBI Research, a market research firm, the OLED light market is expected to grow rapidly from US$ 135 million in 2016 to US$ 1.6 billion in 2020.

LGD, 5세대 조명용 OLED 라인 투자 결정…月 1만5천장

강현주 기자/OLEDNET

LG디스플레이의 플렉서블 OLED조명 구조물을 보고있는 부스 방문객 – 출처 :LG디스플레이

LG디스플레이(대표 부회장 한상범, 韓相範 /이하 LGD) 17일 경북 구미 공장에 5세대 조명용 OLED 신규라인 투자를 추진한다고 발표했다.

LGD가 투자를 추진하는 세계최초 5세대 조명용 OLED 라인은 월 1만 5,000장 규모로 세계 최대 생산규모가 될 예정이며 2017년 상반기중 양산에 들어갈 계획이다.

이번에 추진될 5세대 라인은 기판 규격이 가로 세로 1,000㎜×1,200㎜ 크기의 기존 생산량보다 30배 확대돼 규모의 경제를 통한 가격경쟁력 확보가 가능할 전망이다. 또 기존 구미지역의 노후화된 공장을 활용해 투자 효율성이 극대화될 것이라는 게 LGD의 설명이다.

이 회사는 지난해12월 OLED 사업 경쟁력을 강화하고 미래를 준비하기 위해 LG화학으로부터 OLED 조명 관련사업을 모두 이관 받고 차세대 OLED 조명사업 본격화를 선언한바 있다.

OLED 조명은 유기물의 자체 발광 특성을 활용, 기존 조명 대비 전력 소모와 발열이 적을 뿐 아니라 환경친화적이며 자연광에 가깝다. 투명과 플렉서블 구현으로 디자인에 대한 자유도가 높아 조명의 활용 폭을 극대화함으로써 다양한 분야의 시장 창출이 가능하다는 게 강점이다.

실제로 시장조사업체 유비산업리서치에 따르면 OLED 조명 시장은 2016년 1억 3500만 달러 규모에서 2020년에는 16억 달러로 성장할 것으로 전망된다.

이러한 OLED 조명의 미래가치를 발판으로 LGD는 그 동안 OLED 디스플레이 생산에서 축적한 기술력 및 생산능력을 내세워 OLED 조명과의 시너지를 창출, 선도적 시장 지위를 확보한다는 계획이다.

최근 차량 전장사업이 부각되고 있는 가운데, OLED조명은 차량용 디스플레이로서도 고부가가치를 창출할 것으로 전망된다.

LGD 전략/마케팅그룹장 송영권 전무는 “OLED 조명사업은 우리가 미래 성장 동력으로 집중 육성키로 한 OLED 사업 경쟁력을 강화하는 계기가 될 것”이라며, “그 동안 OLED 패널 생산에서 축적한 기술 노하우 및 생산능력을 기반으로 OLED 조명과의 시너지를 창출, 선도적 시장 지위를 확보하겠다”고 말했다.