
Samsung Display Expands its Business from Smartphones to OLED for IT

According to UBI Research’s published quarterly report, “1Q22 Medium & Large OLED Display Market Track”, mid-to-large OLED sales in the fourth quarter of 2021 was up 29.1% (QoQ) from the previous quarter at $2.2 billion and up by 76.9% (YoY) from the same period of the previous year.

Although Samsung Display leads the way in the OLED market for mobile devices, LG Display overwhelming dominates the mid to large-sized OLED market.

Of the $2.2 billion in mid to large-sized sales in the fourth quarter of 2021, LG Display’s sales was a massive $1.84 billion, accounting for 83.6% of the market.

By application product, OLED for TVs accounted for 85% of the market with $1.87 billion and OLED for notebook sales accounted for 8.8% of the market at $193 million.

Samsung Display began shipping QD-OLED for TVs and monitors from December 2021.

LG Display announced that it will begin supplying improved OLED EX panels of OLED panels for TV from 2022. LG Display plans to complete preparations for OLED EX production in Paju and Guangzhou by the first quarter of 2022. LG Display has negotiated with Samsung Electronics to supply OLED panels for TVs but no final decisions have been made.

Samsung Display is expanding its OLED business from smartphones to IT applications such as notebooks and tablet PCs.  UBI Research predicted the larger than 10-inches, mid-to-large OLED market after 5 years.  The TV market, which accounts for 83.5% in 2022, will decrease to 62.1% in 2026. However, the IT market is expected to expand.

“1Q22 Medium & Large OLED Display Market Track” provides data analysis for 10-inches or larger, mid-to-large OLED by examining the current status of OLED production capacity, major panel makers, shipments by application, and sales performance.

In addition, this analysis provides information for major product lines such as automotives, note PCs, monitors, and TVs by evaluating detailed quarterly shipments, sales performances, ASP by application, and OLED supply and demand analysis by application. It projects the market for the next 5 years.

[UBI Research China Trend Report] Chinese Panel Makers’ Total Shipments of OLED Panels for Smartphones in the Fourth Quarter of 2021 Increased by 26% Compared to the Third Quarter

26% Increase in Total Shipments of Chinese OLED Panels for Smartphones in the Fourth Quarter compared to the Third Quarter


According to UBI Research’s ‘February 1st China Trend Report’, total shipments of OLED panels for smartphones by Chinese panel makers in the fourth quarter of 2021 were 44.8 million units, a 26% increase from 35.57 million units in the previous quarter. By company, BOE shipped 20.9 million units and occupied a 46.7% share, followed by Visionox with 9.7 million units, EverDisplay Optronics with 5.5 million units, CSOT with 5.5 million units, and Tianma with 3.1 million units.


By substrate, flexible OLED panel shipments were the highest for BOE with 20.9 million units, followed by CSOT with 5.5 million units, Visionox with 4.7 million units, and Tianma with 3 million units. BOE’s panel shipments increased the most compared to the previous quarter with an increase of 5.3 million units, followed by Visionox by 1.9 million units and Tianma by 1 million units. CSOT’s panel shipments decreased by 300,000 units from the previous quarter.

In the field of rigid OLED panel shipments, EverDisplay Optronics shipped 5.54 million units, a decrease of 80,000 units compared to the third quarter, but maintained the No. 1 position in rigid OLED panel shipments with a market share of 52%. Visionox, in second place, shipped 5.04 million units, up 43% QoQ, chasing EverDisplay Optronics. Tianma’s rigid OLED panel shipments were 120,000 units, accounting for only 1%.

The details can be found in the UBI Research China Trend Report, and inquiries can be made on the UBI Research website.

LG디스플레이, 2018년 OLED 매출 비중 2배로 확대

LG디스플레이는 25일 진행된 3분기 실적 컨퍼런스 콜을 통해 2018년까지 OLED 매출 비중을 10%에서 20%로, 2배 확대할 예정이라 밝혔다.


LG디스플레이 김상돈 전무는 ‘대형 OLED 생산 capa. 확대를 통해 OLED TV 출하량이 증가하고 있고, wallpaper와 CSO(crystal sound OLED) 등 프리미엄 신제품 등이 좋은 반응을 얻고 있다’며, ‘LCD TV와의 차별성이 인정되고 있다’고 설명했다.


이에 따라 ‘2017년 OLED TV 패널 출하량은 170만대로 예상하고 있다’며, ‘2018년에는 출하량이 250만~280만대, 2020년에는 650만대 이상이 될 것으로 기대하고 있다’고 말했다.

LG디스플레이는 ‘OLED 패널의 수익성을 확보하기 위해 경제적인 규모를 늘리고 있다’고 설명했다. 동시에 ‘재료비와 제반비를 줄이기 위해 중국에 OLED 패널 공장을 짓고, 효율적인 라인과 규모의 경제, eco system 확대 등을 통해 원가를 절감할 것’이라 덧붙였다.

2017년 4분기 출하 면적은 ‘연말 및 내년 춘절 등 성수기 대응 영향에 힘입어 한자리 수 중반 증가하고, 판가는 제품별, 사이즈별 수급 상황에 따라 차이는 있겠지만 전반적으로 하락할 것으로 예상되나 하락세는 점차 둔화될 것’이라 전망했다.
모바일용 디스플레이에 대해서는 현재 ‘LCD에서 POLED로의 전환되고 있다’며, ‘LCD패널의 매출이 전체 매출의 30%를 차지하고 있으나, 2019년 투자가 완료되는 시점에서 매출이 본격적으로 이루어질 것’이라 설명했다.


이어 ‘LG디스플레이는 장기적 미래 준비 계획으로 향후 OLED 중심의 투자를 진행할 예정인 가운데, 어려운 시장 환경이 지속될 수 있다는 보수적인 기조 하에 LCD 차별화 제품 위주의 수익성 극대화 및 OLED 사업 확대를 통한 수익성 개선 노력을 지속하겠다’고 덧붙였다.


한편, LG디스플레이는 판가 하락세 지속에도 불구하고 2017년 3분기 기준 매출 6조 9,731억원, 영업이익 5,860억원으로 22분기 연속 영업이익 흑자를 달성했다. 매출은 OLED TV 제품 확대 등 프리미엄 제품 강화 및 계절적 성수기에 따른 중소형 모바일 제품 출하 증가 영향으로 전분기 6조 6,289억원 대비 5%, 전년 동기 6조 7,238억원 대비 4% 증가했다.
2017년 3분기 매출액 기준 제품별 판매 비중은 TV용 패널이 40%, 모바일용 패널이 27%, 노트북 및 태블릿용 패널이 17%, 모니터용 패널이 16%를 차지한 것으로 나타났다.