
삼성전자, Fox와 HDR 기술 세미나 개최…퀀텀닷 SUHD TV 내세워

삼성전자는 Fox 와 기술 세미나를 열었다. (출처 = 삼성전자)

강현주 /

삼성전자가 현지시간 3일 미국 로스엔젤레스에서 20세기폭스(20th Century Fox )와 헐리우드 영상 전문가들을 초청해 HDR (High Dynamic Range) 기술 세미나를 개최하며, 차세대 영상 기술의 핵심인 HDR의 확산에 나섰다.

이날 세미나는 삼성전자와 20세기폭스가 함께 설립한 ‘폭스 이노베이션 랩 (Fox Innovation Lab)’에서 열렸으며, 20세기폭스를 비롯해 유니버설 스튜디오(Universal Studio), 워너 브라더스 (Warner Bros.) 등 헐리우드 스튜디오, Modern, eFilm, COMPANY3 등 헐리우드 대작 영화를 마스터링하는 전문 프로덕션 업체들의 컬러 리스트들과 영상기기 화질 전문가, TV 제조업체 엔지니어 등 100여 명이 참석했다.

올해 홈 엔터테인먼트 업계에서 가장 주목 받고 있는 화질 기술 HDR에 대한 최신 트렌드를 공유하고, 관련 기술 정보와 제작 노하우 등을 서로 나눴다.

세미나는 HDR 신기술 동향과 HDR 마스터링에 대한 전문가 패널 토론, HDR 작업을 위한 레퍼런스 디스플레이의 캘리브레이션 방법, HDR 10 방식의 코딩 효율성, HDR 기술의 발전 방향 등 다양한 세션으로 구성됐다.

특히, HDR 마스터링 전문가 세션에서는 컬러리스트와 포스트 프로덕션 전문가들이 자신들의 HDR 작업 노하우를 공유했다.

이들은 실제 헐리우드 스튜디오에서 제작하는 영화를 마스터링 작업할 때, 어떻게 장면마다 더욱 깊은 컬러의 디테일을 살려낼 수 있는지, 원작자가 표현하고자 하는 영상미를 최대한 끌어냈는지 등을 HDR 기술이 적용되지 않은 일반 영상과 비교해 가며 설명해 참석자들의 큰 관심을 모았다.

HDR 10 기술은 UHD 얼라이언스가 UHD 프리미엄 인증 표준 기술로 채택한 기술로, 오픈 스탠다드이기 때문에 누구나 사용할 수 있다.

또한 고효율 압축 코덱을 사용하기 때문에 영상 데이터 용량을 작게 하면서도 고화질 영상 정보를 손실 없이 전송할 수 있는 장점이 있다.

앞으로 HDR 10은 장면마다 최적화된 HDR을 적용해 보다 세밀한 영상을 제공하는 ‘다이나믹 메타 데이터 (Dynamic Meta Data)’ 처리 기술로 발전해 나갈 것으로 전망된다.

이번 세미나에서 HDR 기술로 제작한 콘텐츠 시연에는 삼성전자의 2016년형 퀀텀닷 디스플레이 SUHD TV가 사용됐다.

삼성전자 SUHD TV는 UHD 얼라이언스가 제시한 헐리우드 영화 콘텐츠 마스터링 환경의 기준인 1,000 니트 밝기까지 지원해 정확하게 화질을 조정에 참고하는 ‘레퍼런스 디스플레이’로 쓰이고 있다.

블록버스터 영화 ‘엑스맨’, ‘엑소더스’ 등 대작 영화들을 HDR 영상으로 제작한 세계적인 영상 컬러리스트 스테판 나카무라 (Stephen Makanura)는 이날 세미나에 참석해 “제대로 된 UHD 화질의 콘텐츠를 감상하기 위해서는 HDR이 핵심 요소이며, HDR 10 기술을 통해 더욱 실감나는 영상제작 방법을 공유하는 유익한 자리였다”고 전하며, “HDR 기술을 최대한 활용해 사람들이 감탄하며 즐길 수 있는 시각적으로 아름다운 영화 제작을 위해 힘쓸 것”라고 말했다.

Samsung Amplifies Longstanding Partnership with 20th Century Fox

Samsung Amplifies Partnership with Fox (Sorce : Samsung)

Samsung Amplifies Partnership with Fox (Sorce : Samsung)

Hyunjoo Kang /

Samsung Electronics unveiled today a shared vision with 20th Century Fox to further elevate the consumer viewing experience, and the TV industry at large.

A new video released by the company highlights its longstanding partnership with industry leading film studio and underlines the importance of TV in today’s larger content ecosystem, featuring executives from both Samsung and Fox who share their collective vision for the future.

The partnership between Samsung and Fox began in 2013, when Samsung joined the Secure Content Storage Association (SCSA) — a consortium of companies in the entertainment and storage space that aim to provide consumers with new ways to access high-quality digital programming across devices — and did so with the backing of Fox. Samsung has since launched a UHD download service with Fox content, as well as an expanded service that includes High Dynamic Range (HDR) titles, which is available to consumers globally.

“Our goal is to offer the best consumer experience while preserving the filmmaker’s intent with no distortion, no compromises,” said Won Jin Lee, executive vice president, service business team, visual display at Samsung Electronics. “We are answering industry, market and user demand with this continued partnership.”

In 2014, Samsung launched its first ever branded “Video Pack” that provided users with five titles licensed by the studio. That same year, Samsung and Fox established the Fox Innovation Lab, with the first project integrating accessible content into Samsung’s Ultra High Definition (UHD) TVs.

“We share a common goal of delivering the best user experience at home,” said Won Jin Lee. “Our complimentary skill sets have helped us continuously raise the bar for ourselves, as well as the industry.”

In 2015, they co-announced the UHD Alliance — a coalition of companies united to set the bar for next generation video entertainment by establishing standards to support innovation in video technologies. The Alliance is dedicated to furthering this commitment in 2016 and beyond.