
AMOLED panel for smart phones, just around the corner of 100million-unit shipment in a quarter

According to UBI Research, the shipment amount of AMOLED panel for smart phones in the 3rd quarter of 2016 was announced to be counted as 96million units.

It is the figure increased for 103% compared with the last quarter, and increased for 148% compared with the same period of last year, and it renewed the quarterly highest shipment amount once again, after the last quarter.

The person in charge of UBI Research mentioned that “The output of flexible AMOLED panels for Galaxy Note 7 was reduced compared to the plan due to the discontinuation of the production of Galaxy Note 7, however, the increase in shipments of AMOLED panels for China and Galaxy s7 series is seemed to play a important role in the increase of shipments in the third quarter.”

Currently, Samsung Display occupies more than 91% of the AMOLED panel market for smart phones, and Chinese panel makers such as BOE, EDO, Tianma, and Visionox are conducting mass production with small quantities.

In addition, Apple is expected to apply the flexible AMOLED panel to some models of the iPhone to be launched in 2017, therefore, future AMOLED panel market for smart phones will be increased continuously.

UBI Research expects that the annual shipment amount of AMOLED panel will form the market volume as about 1.4billion units by 2020 with the average annual growth rate of 41%, and flexible AMOLED panel among them will account for about 61%.


Smart Phone AMOLED Panel Shipment Forecast, Source : UBI research



스마트폰용 OLED panel, 분기 출하량 1억대 눈앞

유비산업리서치에 따르면 2016년 3사분기 스마트폰용 AMOLED panel 출하량이 9,600만대로 집계되었다고 발표했다.

전분기 대비 103%, 전년 동기대비 148% 증가한 수치로 지난 분기에 이어 분기별 최고 출하량을 다시 한번 갱신하였다.

유비산업리서치 관계자는 “갤럭시 노트 7에 대한 생산 중단으로 노트 7용 flexible AMOLED panel 생산량이 계획보다 감소하였지만 중국향과 갤럭시 s7 시리즈용 AMOLED panel 출하량 증가가 3사분기 출하량 상승에 큰 역할을 한 것으로 분석된다.”라고 밝혔다.

현재 스마트폰용 AMOLED panel 시장은 삼성디스플레이가 91% 이상을 점유하고 있으며, BOE와 EDO, Tianma, Visionox등의 중국 panel 업체들이 소량 양산하고 있는 상황이다.

또한 Apple도 2017년 출시될 iPhone 일부모델에 flexible AMOLED panel을 적용할 것으로 예상되어 앞으로의 스마트폰용 AMOLED panel 시장은 지속적으로 증가할 예정이다.

유비산업리서치는 스마트폰용 AMOLED panel 출하량은 연평균 성장률 41%로 2020년까지 약 14억대 규모를 형성할 것으로 전망되며, 이중 flexible AMOLED panel은 약 61%를 차지할 것으로 내다봤다.


Smart Phone AMOLED Panel Shipment Forecast, 출처: 유비산업리서치


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