
[Lighting Fair 2019] NEG, OLED lighting collaborated with other lighting companies

At the Lighting Fair 2019 held in Tokyo Big Sight from March 5 to 8, 2019, Nippon Electric Glass (NEG) attracted the attention of the audience by exhibiting a large number of OLED lighting produced in collaboration with Kaneka, OLEDWorks and Lumlight. NEG, which produces ultra-thin glass for OLED lighting, introduced ‘Internal Extraction Layer (IEL)’ and ‘HX-1’, which improve external luminous efficiency, and high refractive index glass.

And NEG presented two OLED lighting panels were made in collaboration with Kaneka, a rechargeable OLED lighting ‘LUCE T1’, and a rotatable wall lighting ‘LUCE W1’. OLED lighting panels consist of square panels and rectangular panels with 3000K and 4000K color lighting, while square panels are in volume production, while rectangular panels are in progress.

In addition, NEG presented OLEDWorks ‘Brite 3’ series. ‘Brite 3’ has started mass production in the third quarter of 2018, efficiency is over 80 lm / W, color rendering is over 90, and color temperature is 3000K and 4000K.

Lastly, NEG exhibited the ‘OLED EYECARE LAMP’ stand by Lumlight. A represent said “OLED lighting would be a very useful lighting for infants and young people because it is less glare and feels very weak.

[Euroluce 2015] Kaneka Exhibits OLED Lighting Panel with 50 Thousand Hours of Lifetime

Marketing activities in Europe by Kaneka, one of Japan’s key OLED lighting panel companies, is attracting attention. Kaneka, the only company with active European marketing out of many OLED lighting companies in Japan, participated in Euroluce, a biennial event, in 2013 as well as 2015. Unlike most of Japanese OLED lighting companies whose promotion activities are focused on their domestic market, Kaneka is enthusiastic regarding lighting exhibition in Europe. This is analyzed to be because Kaneka is aiming for market expansion into Europe and North America, as well as Japan’s domestic market.


Kaneka explained that, “OLED lighting is suitable for European customers who consider design and diversity to be important as they have good energy efficiency, thin surface light source, soft light, and ability to produce various colors”, and revealed “increasing European consumers’ awareness of OLED lighting is the priority assignment and the main reason for this exhibition”.


In Euroluce 2015, Kaneka exhibited OLED lighting panel with 50 thousand hours of lifetime with 1.05mm thickness. They presented 5 colors of white, red, amber, blue, and green with 3 different panel sizes of 80x80mm, 100x100mm, and 143x23mm.


Kaneka possesses a manufacturing line that can produce 20,000 panels per year, and in past have announced their target of approx. 50 billion Yen in revenue by 2020.


Kaneka Booth, Euroluce 2015

Kaneka Booth, Euroluce 2015

[Euroluce 2015] Kaneka, 5만시간 수명의 OLED lighting panel 전시

일본의 주요 OLED lighting panel 업체 중 하나인 Kaneka의 유럽에 대한 마케팅 활동이 돋보이고 있다. 일본의 여러 OLED lighting 업체 중 유일하게 유럽 마케팅에 적극적인 업체로서 격년으로 개최되는 Euroluce에 2013년에 이어 2015년에도 부스를 열었다. Kaneka가 유럽 조명전시회에 적극적으로 나서는 이유는 대부분의 일본 OLED lighting 업체들이 내수시장 위주의 홍보활동을 하고 있는 반면, Kaneka는 일본 내수시장 뿐만 아니라 유럽과 북미로의 시장확대를 목표로 하고 있기 때문인 것으로 분석된다.

Kaneka 관계자는 “OLED lighting은 energy saving과 얇은 면광원, 부드러운 빛, 다양한 color 구현이 가능하다는 장점을 가지고 있어 디자인과 다양성을 중요시하는 유럽 고객들에게 적합하다.”라며, ”OLED lighting에 대한 유럽 고객들의 인지도를 높이는 것이 최우선 과제로 이번 전시회도 인지도를 높이는 것이 주 목적”이라고 밝혔다.

Kaneka는 이번 Euroluce 2015에서 5만시간 의 수명과 1.05mm의 얇은 두께를 가진 OLED lighting panel을 전시하였다. 색상은 white와 red, amber, blue, green 5종류이며 panel size는 80x80mm와 100x100mm, 143x23mm의 3종류이다.

Kaneka는 연간 20,000개의 panel을 생산할 수 있는 라인을 보유하고 있으며, 2020년까지 약 50billion엔(약 5천억원)의 매출 달성이 목표라 밝힌바 있다.

Kaneka의 부스, Euroluce 2015


Life of OLED lighting panel, to reach LED

The life of OLED lighting panel is improving equal to the level of LED (more than 50,000 hours).

According to the NIKKEI report, Kaneka developed the OLED lighting panel with a lifetime of 50,000 hours. The panel is 8×8 cm in size and 1 mm thick, and samples are shipped to some lighting companies. Applying enhanced Blue material, the color change due to thermalization has dropped under 40% and the price is about the same.

KANEKA is producing OLED lighting panel with an annual capacity of about 20,000 panels. In the Lighting fair 2013, the company exhibited OLED lighting panels of 50x50mm and 80x80mm sizes in diverse colors of white, yellow, red, green, and blue which are currently sold at about 4,000 yen for the 50x50mm panel and 6,000 yen for the 80x80mm panel.

The OLED lighting panel with the longest lifetime on sale is LG Chem.’s 100x100mm panel with 80lm/W and 50,000 hours.

The UBI Research issued “2014 OLED lighting Report” prospecting the OLED lighting panel market to be open actively from 2015 and reach about US $ 4,700 million by 2020.


<Kaneka announced OLED lighting at Lighting fair 2013>

OLED lighting panel 수명, LED에 도달

OLED lighting panel의 수명이 LED(50,000시간 이상)와 비슷한 수준으로 향상되고 있다.

일본 NIKKEI에 따르면 Kaneka에서 수명 50,000시간의 OLED lighting panel을 개발했다고 보도했다. 8x8cm의 size에 1mm두께로서 일부 조명업체에 샘플출하를 시작하였고 개선된 Blue material을 적용하여 열화에 의한 색상 변화를 40%이하로 낮추었으며, 가격도 기존과 비슷한 수준이라고 밝혔다.

KANEKA는 연 2만장의 capa.로서 OLED lighting panel을 생산하고 있으며, Lighting fair 2013에서 50x50mm와 80x80mm size의 OLED lighting panel을 white와 yellow, red, green, blue의 다양한 색상의 panel을 적용한 제품들을 전시하였으며, 50x50mm panel은 약 4,000엔, 80x80mm panel은 약 6,000엔에 판매 중에 있다.

현재 시판중인 OLED lighting panel중 가장 높은 수명은 LG Chem.에서 판매되고 있는 100x100mm panel로서 80lm/W에 50,000시간이다.

한편 유비리서치에서 발간한 “2014 OLED lighting Report”에서는 OLED lighting panel 시장은 2015년부터 본격적으로 개화하기 시작하여 2020년에 약 US $ 4,700 million이 될 것으로 전망하고 있다.

<Kaneka에서 공개한 OLED lighting 조명, Lighting fair 2013>