
2020 OLED annual performance analysis

Total shipments of AMOLED in 2020 were aggregated to 575.78 million units. This is an increase of 20.41 million units compared to the 557.46 million units shipped in 2019.

The first OLED application products released in 2020 are for automobiles and for notebooks. Analysis by application product shows that the market has increased for foldable OLED, TV WRGB OLED, and watch OLED, and the decline is for smartphone and tablet PC.

Sales in 2020 were $32.68 billion, an increase of $2.3 billion from $32.45 billion in 2019. The insignificant increase in sales compared to the increase in shipments in 2020 is due to the decline in OLED unit prices for smartphones. This is because the OLED unit prices of iPhone and Galaxy S20, which are supporting the OLED market for smartphones, have decreased compared to 2019, and OLED shipments by Chinese panel makers have led to a decrease in OLED unit prices of Samsung Display.

In terms of sales by company, Samsung Display was found to be $22.3 billion, a decrease of $4.2 billion from $26.5 billion in 2019. Samsung Display’s smartphone OLED shipments amounted to 390 million units, a decrease of 40 million units compared to 430 million units in 2019, and sales decreased due to a drop in selling prices. As a result, Samsung Display’s market share in 2020 dropped sharply to 68.2%.

On the other hand, LG Display’s OLED sales reached $68.7 billion, and its market share surged to 21%. LG Display’s sales increase is due to increased shipments of POLEDs for iPhone and OLED panels for TVs.

BOE’s 2020 sales were $1.86 billion, up $7.5 billion compared to 2019. The market share was 5.7%, ranking third.

Korea’s market share in 2019 was 89.3%, falling below 90% for the first time.

Kopin’s 2.6K x 2.6K OLED display incorporated in Panasonic’s new VR glasses

January 19, 2021 – Kopin Corporation announced its Lightning® 2.6K x 2.6K (2560 x 2560 resolution) OLED display on chip (DoCTM) are incorporated in Panasonic’s VR Glasses introduced at the CES 2021 this week.

<Panasonic’s new VR glasses, Source: Panasonic>

The Panasonic VR Glasses are the world’s first high-dynamic-range (HDR) capable, ultra-high-definition VR eyeglasses and offer stunning lifelike images. It comes in a very small form-factor thanks to the 1.3” displays and the slim Pancake® optics. The small, lightweight form factor makes the glasses comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, unlike today’s bulky VR headsets.

The 2.6K x 2.6K OLED DoC is made with Kopin’s patented ColorMaxTM technology for high color fidelity (> 100% sRGB) and a duo-stack OLED structure for high brightness (> 1000 nits). The 10-bit color control, together with the high color fidelity, high brightness and high contrast ratio (> 10,000: 1), enables the much-desired studio-quality, HDR capable VR experience.

“We have worked very closely with Panasonic and Lakeside Optoelectronic Technology on the display and with 3M on the Pancake optics for the Panasonic VR glasses,” said Dr. John C.C. Fan, President and CEO of Kopin.

Wu Di, President of Lakeside Optoelectronic Technology, said, “In the development of 2.6K x 2.6K OLED displays on silicon with Kopin, we optimized the OLED deposition processes, tuned our production line, and delivered the industry-leading products.”

가상현실 주도하는 OLED 초고해상도 경쟁 시작됐다.

최근 VR 기기 set 업체들과 OLED panel 업체들이 mobile 기기보다 뛰어난 해상도의 OLED가 적용 된 VR 기기와 VR 기기용으로 제작 된 초고해상도 OLED를 선보이며 이목을 집중시키고 있다.

지난 CES 2018에서 공개 된 VIVE PRO가 최근 신제품 발표회를 통해 국내에 공식 런칭되었다. VIVE PRO는 전작인 HTC VIVE의 448ppi 보다 78% 향상 된 615ppi 해상도의 OLED가 탑재되었다.

<HTC VIVE Pro, Source:>

뿐만 아니라 최근 OLED panel 업체들도 VR 기기용 초고해상도 OLED를 다수 선보이고 있다. 지난 SID 2018에서 LG Display는 Google과 공동 개발한 1443ppi VR기기용 OLED를 공개했다. 기존의 OLED는 538ppi 수준이었으나 LG Display는 WRGB + CF 방식을 적용하여 UHD(3840 x 4800) 해상도를 구현했다.

<SID 2018에서 공개 된 LG Display의 1443ppi OLED>

Samsung Display도 SID 2018에서 1,200 ppi 해상도의 2.43 inch OLED panel 2개로 제작된 VR 기기를 전시하였다. RGB OLED가 적용 된 이 VR기기는 전년도 858ppi 보다 해상도가 더욱 더 향상 된 OLED가 적용되었다.

Sony도 지난 5월 4,032ppi의 VR 기기용 micro OLED인 ‘ECX339A’의 상용화를 발표하였다. 크기는 0.5 inch로 240fps까지의 프레임 속도 지원도 가능한 것으로 알려졌다. 양산시기는 2018년 11월이다.

VR 기기는 눈과 디스플레이 사이의 거리가 매우 짧기 때문에, 해상도가 낮으면 디스플레이의 픽셀 무늬들이 격자 형태로 보이는 ‘모기장(Side door effect)’ 현상이 나타난다. 이로 인해 눈의 피로를 가중시키며 현실성을 떨어뜨리기 때문에 panel 업체에서는 고해상도 OLED 개발에 집중하고 있으며 Sony나 Facebook(Oculus VR) 같은 set 업체에서도 고해상도 OLED를 VR 기기에 적용하고 있다.

최근 들어 Set 업체 뿐만 아니라 OLED panel 업체들도 다양한 방식으로 기존보다 더욱 더 업그레이드 된 고해상도의 OLED와 VR기기를 다수 선보이고 있어 향후 더욱 더 높은 해상도의 VR용 기기가 상용화 될 수 있을지 귀추가 주목된다.

The competition for ultra-high resolution of OLED that led virtual reality was started.

Recently, set makers are introducing VR devices with higher resolution OLED than mobile devices, and OLED panel makers are focusing attention on developing ultra-high-resolution OLEDs designed for VR devices.

VIVE PRO, which was unveiled at CES 2018, was officially launched in Korea through a new product presentation. VIVE PRO is equipped with 3K resolution and 615ppi OLED, which are upgraded 78% from 448ppi of the previous HTC VIVE.

<HTC VIVE Pro, Source:>

In addition, OLED panel makers has introduced a number of ultra-high-resolution OLEDs for VR devices. In SID 2018, LG Display unveiled an OLED for 1443ppi VR device, jointly developed with Google. The resolution of conventional OLEDs was at 538ppi level, but LG Display accomplished UHD (3840 x 4800) resolution by applying WRGB + CF.

<LG Display’s 1443ppi OLED, introduced in SID 2018>

Samsung Display also exhibited VR devices made with two 2.43-inch OLED panels at 1,200ppi resolution in SID 2018. The resolution of this VR device, applied with RGB OLED, is much higher than the previous year’s 858ppi.

Sony also announced the commercialization of ‘ECX339A’, a micro OLED for 4,032ppi VR devices, in May. It is also possible to support a frame rate of up to 240fps at 0.5 inches in size. The mass production schedule is November 2018.

Since the distance between the eyes and the display is very short, a VR device shows a ‘side door effect’ in which the pixel patterns of the display are displayed in a lattice form when the resolution is low. As this problem increases eye fatigue and diminishes the reality, panel makers are focusing on high-resolution OLED development, and set makers such as Sony and Facebook (Oculus VR) are applying high-resolution OLEDs to the VR devices.

Recently, not only set makers but also OLED panel makers have introduced a number of high-resolution OLED and VR devices, which have been upgraded more than ever before. Attention is growing whether higher resolution VR devices will be commercialized in the future.

PMOLED and Micro OLED Stand Out In the Wearable Device Market

At the 4th wearable expo being held from January 17th in TOKYO BIG SIGHT -Tokyo International Exhibition Center, many companies attracted the attention of participants by exhibiting OLED wearable devices and OLED panels. Particularly, at this exhibition, many wearable devices with PMOLED and micro OLED were displayed, which proved once again infinite possibilities of OLED.

First, ColorLink Japan unveiled its VR and AR devices with micro OLED. Micro OLED is a panel that can realize high resolution in small size by reducing OLED panel to micro size. “The micro OLED applied to ColorLink Japan’s VR equipment is 0.7-inch in size with FHD resolution, and we were able to manufacture more compact and scarce VR device by applying micro OLED”, said an official from ColorLink Japan.

<ColorLink Japan’s Micro OLED VR and AR>

In addition, Fitbit and iWOWNfit exhibited smart bands with PMOLED. PMOLED refers to a passive matrix OLED that does not use TFT, which is a switching device, and is mainly applied to low resolution devices that display numbers or characters rather than high resolution-required devices. In relation to the reason for the application of PMOLED, both companies explained that they have been able to significantly reduce power consumption by applying PMOLED, and the OLED prices have fallen considerably so that they have sufficient price competitiveness.

Meanwhile, OLED panel makers also exhibited a number of OLED panels for wearable devices. Pioneer, which firstly produced mono color PMOLED for FM character broadcast in 1997, attracted participants by introducing a number of PMOLEDs and devices using this. Pioneer announced its goal to diversify its business centering on PMOLED, introducing PMOLED-applied Bluetooth speakers, smart watches, and AR devices.

<Pioneer’s PMOLED Panel and AR>

RiTdisplay also attracted attention by exhibiting a number of wearable appliances and panels with many PMOLEDs. RiTdisplay said, “Since the AMOLED market is already occupied by Korea, it is inevitably lagging behind its productivity and price competitiveness”. “Instead, PMOLED enables easy customization with less production cost than AMOLED so it is competitive in the wearable device market.” Also, they announced that since smart bands will be more aggressive in this market due to lower ppi than smart watches and mobile devices, they will actively target the market.

<RiTdisplay’s PMOLED Panels & Applications>

In addition to AMOLED which is leading the mobile device and TV market, various methods of OLEDs such as PMOLED and micro OLED are being actively applied to wearable devices, thereby expanding its influence. The future of OLED, which is being increasingly utilized, is expected.

PMOLED와 micro OLED, 웨어러블 기기 시장에서 빛을 발하다.

일본 도쿄 빅사이트에서 1월 17일부터 개최되고 있는 제 4회 wearable expo에서 다수의 업체들이 OLED 웨어러블 기기와 OLED 패널들을 전시하며 참가자들의 이목을 끌었다. 특히, 이번 전시회에서는 PMOLED와 micro OLED가 적용 된 웨어러블 기기가 다수 전시되어 OLED의 무궁무진한 발전 가능성을 다시 한번 확인 할 수 있었다.

먼저 ColorLink Japan는 micro OLED를 적용한 VR 기기와 AR 기기를 선보였다. Micro OLED는 OLED 패널을 마이크로 사이즈까지 축소시켜 작은 사이즈에서도 고해상도 구현이 가능한 패널이다. ColorLink Japan의 VR 기기에 적용 된 micro OLED는 크기가 0.7 inch에 FHD 해상도로써, 업체 관계자는 micro OLED를 적용하여 더욱 더 컴팩트하고 희소성 있는 VR 기기를 제작 할 수 있었다고 언급하였다.

<Micro OLED가 적용 된 ColorLink Japan의 VR 기기와 AR 기기>

또한, Fitbit과 iWOWNfit에서는 PMOLED가 적용 된 스마트 밴드들을 전시하였다. PMOLED는 스위칭 소자인 TFT가 적용 되지 않은 passive matrix OLED를 지칭하며, 고해상도가 필요한 기기보다는 숫자나 문자를 표현하는 저해상도 기기에 주로 적용되고 있다. PMOLED 적용 이유에 두 업체의 관계자들은 모두 PMOLED를 적용함으로써 소비전력을 크게 저감 시킬 수 있었다며, OLED 가격도 많이 하락했기 때문에 가격경쟁력도 충분히 갖추고 있다고 설명했다.

한편, OLED 패널 업체들도 다수의 wearable device용 OLED 패널을 전시하였다. 1997년 최초로 FM 문자방송수신용 mono color PMOLED를 처음 양산한 Pioneer는 다수의 PMOLED와 이를 활용한 기기들을 선보이며 참가자들을 매료시켰다. Pioneer는 PMOLED가 적용 된 블루투스 스피커와 스마트워치, AR 기기를 다수 선보이며, PMOLED를 중심으로 사업을 다각화 하겠다는 목표를 밝혔다.

<Pioneer의 PMOLED 패널과 AR 기기>

RiTdisplay 또한 다수의 PMOLED가 적용 된 웨어러블 기기와 패널을 다수 선보이며 이목을 집중 시켰다. RiTdisplay의 관계자는 “AMOLED 시장은 이미 한국이 점령하고 있는 상황이기 때문에 생산력과 가격 경쟁력에서 뒤쳐질 수 밖에 없다”고 설명하며, “대신 PMOLED를 통해 AMOLED보다 적은 생산 비용으로 쉬운 커스터마이징까지 가능하기 때문에 웨어러블 기기 시장에서는 경쟁력이 있을 것”이라 언급했다. 또한, 스마트 밴드는 스마트 워치와 모바일 기기보다 ppi가 낮아도 되기 떄문에 이 시장을 적극적으로 공략 할 것임을 밝혔다.

<RiTdisplay의 PMOLED 패널과 응용 기기들>

이처럼 모바일 기기와 TV 시장을 주도하고 있는 AMOLED 외에도 PMOLED와 micro OLED 등 다양한 방식의 OLED가 웨어러블 기기에 적극 적용되며 그 세력을 확장하고 있다. 점점 더 활용 영역이 넓어지고 있는 OLED의 미래가 기대된다.