
Leading the OLED market of Samsung Display continues this year

According to OLED Market Track, which was published by UBI Research in the first quarter of 2018, AMOLED sales and shipments amounted to US$ 8.86 billion and 130 million units, respectively, in the fourth quarter of 2017. The sales amount is 100.2% higher than the fourth quarter of 2016. Among them, Samsung Display’s sales and shipments account for 91.6% and 94.5%, respectively, and keep its absolute position.


In the fourth quarter of 2017, the total number of AMOLED market for smart phones was 120 million units, representing 95.5% of the total market. AMOLED panels for smart phones sold by Samsung Display accounted for 97.5%, with 119 million units.


In 2018, the AMOLED market for smart phones is expected to reach 470 million units, with Samsung Display expecting its market share to maintain over 91.5 % with 430 million units.

<4Q’17 AMOLED market>

<2018 AMOLED market for smartphone>

삼성디스플레이의 OLED 독주는 올해도 계속된다

유비리서치가 발간한 2018년 1사분기 OLED Market Track에 의하면 2017년 4사분기 AMOLED 매출액과 출하량은 각각 88.6억달러와 1.3억개로 집계되었다. 매출액은 2016년 4사분기 대비 100.2% 증가한 수치이다. 전체 AMOLED 시장에서 삼성디스플레이의 매출과 출하량 점유율은 91.6%와 94.5%로서 절대적인 위치를 유지하고 있다.

스마트폰용 AMOLED 시장은 1.2억개로서 전체 시장에서 95.5%를 차지하였고, 그 중 삼성디스플레이가 판매한 스마트폰용 AMOLED가 1.19억개로서 97.5%를 점유하였다.

2018년 스마트폰용 AMOLED 시장의 예상 규모는 4.7억개이며 삼성디스플레이가 4.3억개로 91.5%점유율을 유지할 것으로 전망된다.

<4Q’17 AMOLED market>

<2018 AMOLED market for smartphone>